Ep. 55 Cultivating Culture Starts with this Question with Moe Carrick

Season #2

No leader is waking up thinking “I want to create a toxic workplace”, quite the opposite! But without self awareness, that’s exactly what you’ll create.


Every leader should be able to answer this one question: Why do you do what you do? Whether it’s a casting broken bones, serving a chai latte, or building aircrafts. That question —Why? — is so important because that is what shapes workplace culture.


In part two of our conversation, Moe Carrick shared a story about how her daughter’s workplace (a restaurant) and how every employee had excitement and a story around each cocktail or dinner entree. The culture in that restaurant was palpable in the way the employees talked.   


The contrast to that is “toxic” workplaces that have BIG and very public mistakes. (think Boeing) We spoke about the pain that those big mistakes in leadership cause and how it can send leaders (and entire organizations) into a shame spiral.   


Moe shows us how to create a healthy culture, even sharing how her own team has let her know when she was acting misaligned with their team values.   


Telling the truth at work can be hard! For employees and leaders alike. Leadership is messy, and at times, very humbling. Self-awareness of our strengths and blindspots and choosing to live by our values is the first step to a healthy, positive workplace culture.   


Here’s what we talked about:  

03:45 The opposite of joy  

07:35 What leader’s need to do about culture  

12:36 The noticing phase as a leader  

17:35 Learning through big mistakes  

23:00 What can employees do to shift culture


Links/ Resources: 

Books mentioned:  

Dying for a Paycheck


When Work is Good


Connect with Moe:  LinkedIn Profile - https://www.linkedin.com/in/moecarrick/  Website - https://moementum.com/  

The Free 99 Step:

Joyosity Explorer Map http://jennwhitmer.com/joyosity-explorer will guide you to understanding the deeper purpose and story you tell yourself about your work. Joy is linked to purpose and productivity increases by 20% or more when you directly link your purpose to your work.  

Ready to Make a Plan:

Joyosity Jumpstart https://jennwhitmer.com/jumpstart  If you’re ready to stop leading from survival mode and lead with connection and joy, the Joyosity™ Jumpstart Session https://jennwhitmer.acemlnb.com/lt.php?x=3TxtmrUFUqPUT55qA3P3hOdr~a-jjAT0w-xlk5HEIFnKDXV8y_xGh.ae3HVViwBfx1K2Z5UWKXOd954KzNLKUr is for you. Clarify what you want, where you are, and what’s getting in the way so you can make a real plan.  

Ready to Dive In: 

The Joyosity Leadership Retreat http://jennwhitmer.com/joyosity-retreat Work on your leadership stories, mindset, values, and alignment with Jenn and other women who are leading. Reset. Reimagine. Revive.